Local veteran Mukesh Kumar completed a wire-to-wire victory at the weather-shortened Panasonic Open India to claim his first Asian Tour title by one shot on Sunday. Kumar, who had a two-shot advantage heading into the third and final round, closed with a two-under-par 70 for a winning total of 10-under-par 206 at the US$400,000 Asian Tour event, which was earlier reduced to 54 holes due to fog disruptions. Kumar's victory, worth US$72,000, made him the oldest winner on the Asian Tour at the age of 51 years and 126 days. Indian duo Jyoti Randhawa and Rashid Khan closed with matching 68s to share second place at the venerable Delhi Golf Club.
Mithun Perera of Sri Lanka capped his third consecutive top-five finish at the Panasonic Open India after signing for a 70 to take fourth place on 208. He is the only non-Indian to finish inside top-10 at the Asian Tour event, which celebrated its sixth edition this week. Kumar, who has won over 120 titles on the domestic circuit, was ecstatic to savour his career's biggest win at the Panasonic Open India. It was his first international win since turning professional 32 years ago.
Kumar saw his lead reduced to one after dropping a shot on third. He bounced back with two straight birdies from seven to regain his two-shot edge but was caught up by a fast-charging Randhawa, who sank his fourth birdie of the day on 15 to tie the lead. Kumar, however, kept his cool by nailing a crucial 20-footer birdie putt on 15, which proved decisive as he regained a one-shot lead before returning with three straight pars to clinch victory.
Panasonic Open India 2016
206 - Mukesh KUMAR (IND) 67-69-70.
207 - Jyoti RANDHAWA (IND) 67-72-68, Rashid KHAN (IND) 67-72-68.
208 - Mithun PERERA (SRI) 70-68-70.
209 - Honey BAISOYA (IND) 73-69-67.
210 - Shankar DAS (IND) 71-67-72.
211 - Shamim KHAN (IND) 67-74-70, Sanjeev KUMAR (IND) 71-69-71, Kapil KUMAR (IND) 68-72-71, Khalin JOSHI (IND) 67-71-73.
212 - Namchok TANTIPOKHAKUL (THA) 74-71-67, Lionel WEBER (FRA) 69-75-68, Brett MUNSON (USA) 71-69-72, Deepinder Singh KULLAR (IND) 73-66-73.
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